RCCC panel crowd
Geek, Conventions

The Geek Embassy at Rose City Comic Con 2018!

It's finally September, which means more The Geek Embassy coverage at Rose City Comic Con! Last year, we presented our Baskets & Capes panel, but this year, we are free agents with press badges! Are there any panels you'd like us to cover? Exhibitors and artists we cannot miss or people that we just have to interview? Exclusive merch we shouldn't miss?… Continue reading The Geek Embassy at Rose City Comic Con 2018!


TGE at Rose City Comic Con!

Greetings fellow geeks! Isabela, Dante, and I (Regina) will be revisiting the hallowed halls of the Portland Convention Center this weekend attending Rose City Comic Con! We went last year as press and this year we are press and presenters! Keep an eye on our Instagram account for a first hand virtual experience of the… Continue reading TGE at Rose City Comic Con!


Community vs Spectacle: My First Cosplay Experience

I never really fancied myself a cosplayer. I appreciate the spectacle of well executed cosplay and the dedication it takes to do it well. Just the crafting skill alone is something remarkable. But I didn't think it would be something I participated in but rather something I would always enjoy viewing. That all changed the moment… Continue reading Community vs Spectacle: My First Cosplay Experience


Celebrity Panels: Yay or Nay?

Celebrity panels are one of my favorite things about going to cons. Seeing celebs in real time, fielding questions from random fans, and telling stories.... I just can't get enough of it. I know for a lot of people who go to cons the experience is more about the story or the art, about finding new… Continue reading Celebrity Panels: Yay or Nay?


Is Bigger Always Better? Why I Love Small Cons

My first comic book convention was New York Comic Con back in 2007, in its second year of existence.  I got my Runaways deluxe hardcovers signed by Brian K. Vaughan, and I was hooked on cons ever since.  Since 2007, I've been to NYCC 7 times, and three times each to San Diego, Emerald City,… Continue reading Is Bigger Always Better? Why I Love Small Cons