Game on Girl Podcast, Game Culture, Podcast, Play

Episode 54 – Social Media Gamers

  In episode 54, we discuss how social media games are impacting our definitions of gaming and gamers. We chat with Sharon Browning, a writer for the site, who recently wrote a series of articles about this very topic. Check out her articles and our discussion in the episode. This week is a big one… Continue reading Episode 54 – Social Media Gamers

Bye Zynga Farmville
Game Culture, Play

Zynga: A View from Outside (with a Definite Sound of Ax Grinding)

If you are on Facebook, you know Zynga.  Even if you never heard of them, you've probably felt their affect.  FarmVille, FarmVille2, YoVille, Words With Friends, Indiana Jones Adventure World, CastleVille, CityVille, ChefVille, The Ville, Slingo, Vampire Wars, Mafia Wars, Hidden Chronicles, Bubble Safari.... all are current or past games that either you or at… Continue reading Zynga: A View from Outside (with a Definite Sound of Ax Grinding)

Blackwood and Bell Mysteries facebook game
Game Culture, Play

Why I Left Facebook Gaming

Ok, so I didn’t leave it completely.  I still play Words with Friends with one person (only one, mind you; ok, occasionally with two, but only those two!) and an “action adventure” game called Castle Age, mainly because I’ve belonged to a few really strong guilds there and have met many wonderful people with whom… Continue reading Why I Left Facebook Gaming