So, going off of last week’s power topic, today, we’re gonna be talking about power scaling. That is, when your characters get an increase in skill and badassery, they have to fight or meet people who can generally match them. Otherwise, well, there’ll be no concern whether or not they’re gonna win the next fight.… Continue reading Daylight Writing #8: Scaling Superpowers
Tag: Creative Writing
Daylight Writing #7: Superpowers
So, let’s talk a bit about powers. And for the record, I don’t mean political powers, or Austin Powers, or even horsepower (more on that later). Instead, what I want to talk about is superpowers. We all know the tales of Superman and his amazing/OP set, how Spider-Man can sense danger, how Son Goku can… Continue reading Daylight Writing #7: Superpowers
Daylight Writing #6: LGBTQ Characters
Alright, today’s article is gonna be a special one. You might even say it’s queer. Now, at first you might think that LGBT is some kind of sandwich, like the BLT, but it’s not. LGBT is an initialism standing for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. Sometimes its expanded to LGBTQ, and the Q, in this… Continue reading Daylight Writing #6: LGBTQ Characters
Daylight Writing #4: The Five-Man Band
Alright, time to break away from the sole hero to the quirky group. I’m talking about the power rangers, the teenage mutant ninja turtles, team RWBY, the monk and his disciples, the five-man band... and so much more. Bonus points if they are actually a band. This group is for when you need a little… Continue reading Daylight Writing #4: The Five-Man Band
Daylight Writing #3: Protagonist Archetypes
It’s number three, and that is the number of archetypes we’ll be looking at today! Or, more specifically, the number of protagonist archetypes. Yep, we’re not done with the protag yet, but I promise, we’re nearly there! Anyway, this may come as a surprise to you, but there is more than one way to have… Continue reading Daylight Writing #3: Protagonist Archetypes
Daylight Writing #2
So, what is a story? Well, aside from the obvious, I mean, what makes a story, a story? Is it characters? Setting? Or is it a formula? The answer to that question is: Yes. To all of them. You see, all stories, regardless if they are fact or fiction, have three points. Beginning, middle, and… Continue reading Daylight Writing #2
Daylight Writing #1: The Beginning
As many writers and artists say when they are starting out, they have no idea what they’re doing. We generally start having read countless books from our famous genres and authors. And we begin to write out our first story, having been inspired to pick up a pen or sit down at a laptop. What… Continue reading Daylight Writing #1: The Beginning