Comic Books, Parenting

#WhyWonderWoman: How the Amazon Princess Fits Into My Story

I've told this story several times on the podcast but I've never taken the time to write it down. I'm inspired to now because of the #WhyWonderWoman hashtag that started trending earlier this week. I wanted to tell my story on Twitter, but I really couldn't do it in 140 characters. Almost the entirety of… Continue reading #WhyWonderWoman: How the Amazon Princess Fits Into My Story

Geek, Read, Game on Girl Podcast, Write, Podcast, Play

Episode 121 – Toni Lesatz: My Book Addiction

This week, we chat with writer, gamer, blogger, and mom, Toni Lesatz from My Book Addiction. We have a great chat about writing, gaming, and website promotions. LINKS GameFly Goodreads Sewer Shark Into the Dead Zombie Gunship For Toni Lesatz: MyBookAddiction Facebook Goodreads Google+ Instagram Pinterest Twitter Youtube SUMMER BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS BEACH Blood Sucking Fiends… Continue reading Episode 121 – Toni Lesatz: My Book Addiction

Game on Girl Podcast, Comic Books, Podcast, Story

Episode 70 – Kelly Sue DeConnick

Hold on to your hats, Game on Girl fans! We've got a great show for you this week. Kelly Sue DeConnick is a multifaceted author, Japanese manga adapter and editor, and all around cool chick. This is a fantastic conversation and we're sure you'll want to check out her work after you listen. We close out the show… Continue reading Episode 70 – Kelly Sue DeConnick