sandra glahn guest post
Book Reviews, Comic Books, Story

Read Comics, Learn Lit (Guest Post)

Recently at the grad school where I teach, I attended a prospective-student event in which the faculty introduced ourselves by including not where we got our Ph.D.s, but by something much more important: our favorite cartoon characters. The first words out of my mouth were “Wonder Woman,” whose history veiled in mystery Smithsonian Magazine disclosed… Continue reading Read Comics, Learn Lit (Guest Post)

library aisle with lots of books
Book Reviews, Story

Books That Made Me a Reader

As my days fill up with activities and I seem to have less and less time to read recreationally (reading is a big part of my day job), There are certain books that stand out in my long, long list of books I’ve read during my life. They are books that opened my mind to… Continue reading Books That Made Me a Reader

Sports, Comic Books, Story

Like You’re Running Out of Time

I have a collection of nerdy hobbies: Trek, D&D, comics, Shadowrun, sci-fi books, Doctor Who... and I could go on.  I rotate between a few at a time; sometimes I let a few sit on the back burner while I go full bore into another one.  You should have seen me with Magic: The Gathering… Continue reading Like You’re Running Out of Time

bookshelves of manga
Read, Watch

Manga Style — Chibi, Shoujo, Shounen

The Japanese manga style is broken down into three categories: Chibi, Shoujo, and Shounen. All of these terms also apply to anime. Chibi Chibi is used to portray extreme emotions or just to mix up animations styles a bit, generally as comic relief. Chibi characters have large heads, round cheeks, massive eyes, and are highly simplified.… Continue reading Manga Style — Chibi, Shoujo, Shounen

Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist
Read, Watch

Your Guide To Getting Started With Anime and Manga

I’ve been reading manga since September 2014 and started on anime a year before that. I started watching anime because my friend explained the entire plot of Fullmetal Alchemist to me and I decided I needed to see it. What really drew me in was that I had never seen anything except content for children.… Continue reading Your Guide To Getting Started With Anime and Manga

Game on Girl Podcast, Book Reviews, Podcast, Story

Episode 137 – “Chicks Dig Gaming”

This week we review an excellent anthology focused on women gamers. "Chicks Dig Gaming" from Mad Norwegian press is a great collection of stories and articles we are sure you would love. We share some quotes from our favorite stories in the collection. We WRaP up the episode with what we are Watching, Reading, and… Continue reading Episode 137 – “Chicks Dig Gaming”