If you have a geeky interest, there's a con out there for you. This week we discuss some of the cons we plan to attend and some we dream of attending. Here are some great web sites for con calendars: UpComingCons - cons listed by genre SciFiConventions - search by geographic region and time… Continue reading Episode 94 – 2014 Con Calendar: Register Now!
Category: Podcast
Episode 93: Ashley Zdeb & LARP 101
"Apart from the fact that you blocked me from banging a fairy and I’m about to go lose my crown in battle thanks to my army being decimated, yeah, totally good." We've got a great interview for you this week. We talk to Co-founder and Director of the nationwide LARP Dystopia Rising, Ashley Zdeb. Ashley helps further… Continue reading Episode 93: Ashley Zdeb & LARP 101
Episode 92 – Holiday Travel Playlist
This week, we discuss some of our favorites to listen to, read, and play on the road. We know many people travel for the holidaze so here are a few suggestions about how to keep your sanity while you are whiling away the hours on the road (or hiding from family...) AUDIO BOOKS "Coming Clean"… Continue reading Episode 92 – Holiday Travel Playlist
Episode 91: 2014 Films and Wonder Woman on the Big Screen
WW Linda Carter by Dennis80 on DevitantArt Starting with the newsworthy casting of Wonder Woman in the upcoming "Superman vs Batman" movie, we discuss the movies we are looking forward to in 2014. Our discussion is inspired by these two articles about the casting of Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman. "Gal Gadot is History's First… Continue reading Episode 91: 2014 Films and Wonder Woman on the Big Screen
Episode 90: Good to be a Geek in 2013
Our editor, Ryan, joins us this week to discuss all the many reasons we have to be happy geeks right now. We talk about movies, TV shows, games, and communities we all take part in. Check out our conversation and let us know how awesome your favorite fandom was in 2013! Links we talked… Continue reading Episode 90: Good to be a Geek in 2013
Episode 89 – High Tech, Low Tech, No Tech, Ho Ho Ho!
Well it is that time of year again! The Holidaze is upon us! This week writer Mark joins us for the show and we talk about a host of different items for gift giving this year. (Even if those gifts are to yourself!) Regina's Recommendations High-Tech Wii U FitBit Wireless Activity Tracker in Midnight Blue… Continue reading Episode 89 – High Tech, Low Tech, No Tech, Ho Ho Ho!
Episode 88 – The Doubleclicks!
Nothing To Prove - A must see Hold on to your keyboards and your controllers, dear geeky gaming listeners! This week we have Angela and Aubrey Webber, AKA The Doubleclicks, on the show! If you don't know their music you are seriously missing out because it is sweet, snarky, and elegantly geeky. You can listen on… Continue reading Episode 88 – The Doubleclicks!
Episode 87 – Gender Ratings: A Good or Bad Idea?
This week, Rhonda and I talk about the recent implementation by a handful of Swedish cinemas to rate movies based on the Bechdel test. We discuss whether this is a fair means of measuring the worth of a movie or if the test itself is too limiting. Would a gender rating influence your movie selection on a Saturday… Continue reading Episode 87 – Gender Ratings: A Good or Bad Idea?
Episode 86 – Nicole Spag from LoL
Delighted to have another host from the Ladies of Leet join us for the show this week. Nicole Spag joins us for a great conversation and perhaps the fastest hour of conversation we've ever had on Game on Girl! Nicole is a gamer, podcaster, mom, app developer... oh my! Rhonda and I WRaP about our week in geek, chatting… Continue reading Episode 86 – Nicole Spag from LoL
Episode 85 – Darla Kennerud from Privateer Press
Darla Kennerud, Managing Editor at Privateer Press, joins us this week. We talk about what it means to be an editor, specifically in the game industry and at a company that has such a massive amount of lore and history to its games. Rhonda and Regina also WraP about our geeky week with what we're Watching,… Continue reading Episode 85 – Darla Kennerud from Privateer Press