Game Culture, Gamers, Feminism, Play, Gender, Harassment, Video Games

Game On, Girls

Hey, geeks. What’s happening? Today we’re going to talk about one of my favorite pastimes and how that’s changed — and how people’s perception of me has changed even when the pastime itself did not. Let’s talk video games. I’ve been playing video games since I was old enough to hold a controller. I distinctly… Continue reading Game On, Girls

Game Culture, Play, Video Games

Your Own Adventure: Longevity of Telltale

A nerd, a wrestler, a lagomorph, and a heavy machine gunner get together for a game of poker... No, this isn't the setup to a weird joke. This is the backdrop for one of the wackiest, weirdest, and best game studios active today: Telltale Games. Sam and Max, The Wolf Among Us, The Walking Dead, Homestar… Continue reading Your Own Adventure: Longevity of Telltale

extra life
Play, Video Games

Geeks Who Give:

In early October, I tried to helm a fundraiser in support of the victims of Hurricane Maria.  That project is slow, but I want to highlight another geek who gives.  My friend Teh Jabberwock raises money every year for the Extra Life campaign.  They answered some questions about live-streaming and Extra Life for our audience here at… Continue reading Geeks Who Give:

Video Games

No Rest for the Wicked: Villains as Cornerstone Characters

Everyone loves a good villain. An interesting and engaging antagonist is vital to a successful story, be that a physical being or an ethereal idea. From psychopaths to masterminds to literal gods, some of these characters even get more fans than their corresponding heroes. And you have to admit, there's something weirdly satisfying about that.… Continue reading No Rest for the Wicked: Villains as Cornerstone Characters

star child
Play, Video Games

Star Child – E3 Preview

E3 marked many firsts for me beyond simply my first time attending the game industry’s own convention. I played a Nintendo Switch for the first time which will likely lead to me buying that console this fall. It was also the first time I attended a con at the Los Angeles Convention Center. And it… Continue reading Star Child – E3 Preview

The Sims 4 Toddlers
Play, Video Games

The Sims 4 Gets a Very Big (and Cute) Update | The Sims 4: Toddlers

Since The Sims is a life simulation game, a large part of the previous iterations was watching a Sim grow throughout their life… and one of the biggest disappointments fans of the Sims got when The Sims 4 first came out was the lack of the toddler life stage. Young Sims would skip from being… Continue reading The Sims 4 Gets a Very Big (and Cute) Update | The Sims 4: Toddlers

Game Reviews, Play, Video Games

Butterfly Effect: Steins;Gate Review

Steins;Gate first came out for the XBox 360 in 2009. It was shortly thereafter adapted into a manga and, later, an anime series and an animated film. It was recently ported over to Steam* for Windows. Steins Gate.  Some know it as Fate; to others, it is the will of God. The game starts off… Continue reading Butterfly Effect: Steins;Gate Review

Play, Video Games, Parenting

Game on Mom: My Daughter’s First Games

It is not hard to get young kids interested in "screen time." Kids find screens just as captivating as the adults who carry them around in their pockets. I admit to using my screen as a distraction for lots of diaper changes when my daughter was barely old enough to hold it. It certainly cut down… Continue reading Game on Mom: My Daughter’s First Games

Sims 4 gender update
Play, Role Playing Games, Gender, Video Games

The Sims 4 Updates to Allow for More Diverse Gender Expression

Last year, I wrote about gender expression in the Sims and how amazing it would be if the game introduced the concept of a gender spectrum, rather than a gender binary.... A recent Sims 4 update revealed something that I never thought would actually come about. “For the first time, you'll be able to customize… Continue reading The Sims 4 Updates to Allow for More Diverse Gender Expression