Game Culture, Game Industry, Gamers, Play, Video Games

Your Favorite Thing Sucks: EA

Hey, Geeks. Welcome to Your Favorite Thing Sucks, where I get to talk about all the worst parts of your favorite things. And while I'm pretty sure that NO ONE actually considers Electronic Arts their favorite thing, we need to discuss it anyway. Because EA is worse than being your favorite sucky thing. EA actually… Continue reading Your Favorite Thing Sucks: EA

Geek, Card Games, Community, Game Culture, Play, Uncategorized

Ravnica Allegiance Prerelease

I said in my last article that Magic: the Gathering has become a sort of self-care tool for me. Unfortunately, as I also mentioned, I rarely get to play because I'm always busy. So imagine my reaction when I found out that, not only did I have a day off both jobs, but there was… Continue reading Ravnica Allegiance Prerelease

gifts in the background with title of shopping for that one nerdy friend
Geek, Movies, Art, Game Culture, TV, Gamers, Role Playing Games, Video Games

Shopping for That One Nerdy Friend

It's that time of year where many people find themselves shopping outside their comfort zones in order to get the perfect (or at least acceptable) gift for that one nerdy friend. Whether it's a coworker you got assigned for Secret Santa, a grandchild who won't stop talking about... something (you're not sure what), or one of… Continue reading Shopping for That One Nerdy Friend

The Geek Embassy Hangs Out 2018
Write, Read, Watch, Geek, Play

The Geek Embassy Hangs Out: The Best of 2018

Greetings, Geeks! 2018! The end of the year is quickly upon us! The staff of TGE is gathering this weekend to chat about our favorites from the year. It's been a while since we've gathered together as a group! Excitement abounds in our preparations! Join us Saturday, December 1st at 10 am pacific time.  To discuss… Continue reading The Geek Embassy Hangs Out: The Best of 2018

Geek, Card Games, Play

Returning to Ravnica: MtG’s Second Home

The day this article goes live is the official release date for Magic: the Gathering’s newest set: Guilds of Ravnica. The world of Ravnica is one of the most celebrated planes visited over the game’s 25-year run. With this being the third block set in the cityscape, I wanted to take a look at the… Continue reading Returning to Ravnica: MtG’s Second Home