Happy Halloween, Geeks! Part three of A Strange Occurrence wraps up Mark's spooky fiction offering. I hope you enjoyed this foray into the depths of Mark's imagination... that is, if this is truly fiction. Please let us know in the comments if you'd like to see more serialized fiction on the site. ~ Regina Two… Continue reading A Strange Occurrence – Part 3
Author: Mark
A Strange Occurrence – Part Two
Missed the beginning? Read part one. It was about a month after first finding the rabbit that things seemed to start escalating. I was in the backyard with the dogs for their 9:30am outing in late July. The morning was unusually cool for that time of year. I was looking at my tomato plants and… Continue reading A Strange Occurrence – Part Two
A Strange Occurrence – Part One
Greetings, Geeks! This week we bring a new feature to The Geek Embassy: serialized fiction! Mark is sharing a short story with a Lovecraftian aesthetic for your reading pleasure. This story will be shared in three parts and conclude on Halloween. Without further ado, The Geek Embassy presents, Part One of A Strange Occurrence. ~Regina … Continue reading A Strange Occurrence – Part One
Hype and its Disastrous Consequences
Hype. It's a word that is thrown around a lot today in general and seems to be used even more in the context of video game releases. Given the frequency with which this word is used it seems like maybe we should know its exact definition. Let's go to Google and see what it has to… Continue reading Hype and its Disastrous Consequences
Metallica Releases New Single “Hardwired”
So for anyone who has been wondering if Metallica was ever going to release another album, there has finally been some good news. Well, better than just news. Metallica released "Hardwired" a few days ago! This is the first track for their upcoming November release “Hardwired… to Self-Destruct.” For anyone concerned that Metallica might have slipped backwards… Continue reading Metallica Releases New Single “Hardwired”
Autobiography Told Through Music
Unfortunately, I was unable to attend this month's hangout about our musical autobiographies due to some family issues. However, Regina and I talked a bit and thought it was a good idea for me to share them here in writing. I know it's not the same as a back and forth discussion, but I guess it's… Continue reading Autobiography Told Through Music
Music and Guitar: A Life Long Passion
On last weeks Google Hangout we talked a little bit about a couple of my hobbies, music and guitar. So I thought I would talk about it a bit. I want to reflect on how my appreciation of music led me to being able to write and play my own music. I have always loved music. When… Continue reading Music and Guitar: A Life Long Passion
Introduce Yourself (Right On!)
Hi there! I'm Mark. I want to introduce myself and give you my credentials. In short, what makes me qualified to be an ambassador on the Geek Embassy. Like most people, my interests are varied and I have several hobbies that I can talk about. Let me walk you through what sort of things you'll most likely… Continue reading Introduce Yourself (Right On!)
My Growing Despair of the Video Game Industry
When I first started writing for Game On Girl back at the end of 2012, I immediately thought of doing an article at the beginning of every year where I looked ahead to the games that had me excited. I, to date, have done that exactly once, at the beginning of 2013. And looking at… Continue reading My Growing Despair of the Video Game Industry
Hiding Behind Beta
Recently, I returned to playing Warframe after about a six month hiatus. The impetus for this being that I wanted to see how pretty it would be on the new PC I built. After waiting about 20 minutes for the game to download, I began the install and was surprised when a beta Terms of… Continue reading Hiding Behind Beta