From Academic to Fan The current political climate makes reading classic (i.e. Marston-era) Wonder Woman feel more relevant. To be honest, reading Marston-era Wonder Woman is tough for me. The stories share a formulaic structure and repeat the same themes: Wonder Woman saves America from the Axis of Evil and along the way encounters Steve… Continue reading My Halting Transformation into a Wonder Woman Fan
Author: Katherine Olson
Why Not Wonder Woman?
Recently I attended an event with Ph.D.s from around the country. As we shared our research interests I said, “Wonder Woman.” Some snickered. Some nodded. Some turned away. Wonder Woman? How is that a research interest? Some of them share my enthusiasm and ask me questions including, “Why doesn’t she ever get her own movie!?”… Continue reading Why Not Wonder Woman?
America, The Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman in America & Abroad Wonder Woman has been a hit of the early summer and while she has met with challenges in other countries, she has been America’s darling (again) for the last month. Wonder Woman has always had great popularity in the United States. She was created here, and her comics and… Continue reading America, The Wonder Woman
Wait a Minute…What Happened to Bullets and Bracelets?
Bullets and Bracelets? In my last post, I praised Patty Jenkins’ Wonder Woman for its close alignment to the Wonder Woman comics. I felt this way until I realized how Diana hadn’t disguised herself to play in the Amazon games in the movie. These games would determine which Amazon would be sent back into the… Continue reading Wait a Minute…What Happened to Bullets and Bracelets?
Fight Like a Gal…Gadot
The Fight for Superheroines Remember that time Jennifer Garner was Elektra? Or the time Halle Berry was Catwoman? Everyone understands if the answer is no. Superheroine movies are often ruined by poor casting and poor writing. More often they are ruined by a poor understanding of the character and her universe. This was a particular… Continue reading Fight Like a Gal…Gadot
Wonder Woman’s Roots: Compassionate Warrior or Lovefool?
In “Introducing Wonder Woman” William Moulton Marston builds the foundation of Wonder Woman mythology—of which one of the cornerstones is the Amazon origin story. According to the queen of the Amazons and Wonder woman’s mother, Hippolyte, Hercules was insulted by barbs that even he could not vanquish the Amazons, so he traveled (with his army)… Continue reading Wonder Woman’s Roots: Compassionate Warrior or Lovefool?
Transformations: From Betty and Veronica to Wonder Woman
Please welcome to the site our newest ambassador, Katherine Olson. Katherine holds a Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Studies from Union Institute & University. She is currently interested in Wonder Woman, feminism, and culture. For The Geek Embassy, she will be writing about comics, looking especially at the Amazon princess and other powerful female characters. Please welcome her… Continue reading Transformations: From Betty and Veronica to Wonder Woman