War of the Spark: Ravnica is the conclusion to MtG's latest long-running story, and what a finale. The dragon Nicol Bolas is poised to regain his godlike power by slaughtering all who oppose him. Gideon Jura, Jace Beleren, Chandra Nalaar, and others have to find some way to bring him down while caught in his… Continue reading Crustaceous Corner: War of the Spark [Spoilers]
Author: Crab
War of the Spark
On 31 March 2019, Wizards of the Coast released the trailer for their upcoming Magic: the Gathering set, War of the Spark, at PAX East. Set trailers aren't a new thing but typically consisted of animated card art and a voiceover building the backstory. Cool if you were a Magic player, otherwise maybe a little… Continue reading War of the Spark
Ten Candles
Recently I got my first chance as a GM running a game of Ten Candles with some friends. Now, this was my first time running a game, so I wanted to start off with something easy. No way was I committing to a multi-session campaign for my first run, so why not play a one-shot?… Continue reading Ten Candles
Getting Back Into Games
A guy came into my work the other day and told me he was going to go home and play Breath of the Wild. (I mean, we were talking and I asked about his plans for the night, he didn't come in just to tell me.) But when I heard this, I confessed I hadn't… Continue reading Getting Back Into Games
Ravnica Allegiance Prerelease
I said in my last article that Magic: the Gathering has become a sort of self-care tool for me. Unfortunately, as I also mentioned, I rarely get to play because I'm always busy. So imagine my reaction when I found out that, not only did I have a day off both jobs, but there was… Continue reading Ravnica Allegiance Prerelease
Self-Care and Seasonal Stressers
With everything surrounding this time of year, it's important to remember to take care of yourself. Remember that it's ok to take a break to relax.
You’re Having Fun Wrong: A Response
About a month back, Sheldon Menery of the EDH rules committee released an article on the Star City Games website. In it, he listed a few cards that would likely elicit a groan in a typical EDH game. He dubbed these "Commander Cards You Shouldn't Play," which, as he admits in the article, is a… Continue reading You’re Having Fun Wrong: A Response
Tuscon or Bust: Desert Bus for Hope
Mid-November: depending on your location, the temperature's dropping, retail stores are decorating for the holidays, and coffee drinkers are riding out the Gulf. And on a small island off the coast of Canada, a group of comedians is playing a video game for charity. Yes, friends and enemies, it's once again time for Desert Bus for… Continue reading Tuscon or Bust: Desert Bus for Hope
Halloween Corner: The Tell-Tale Heart
Greetings my freaks and geeks, my nefarious nerdlings! It's that time of year again: spooks and specters and unnecessarily sexy work uniforms will soon be around every corner. So, why not celebrate that a little bit? If you weren't here last year, we released a special Halloween reading of Lovecraft's "The Outsider", and it was so fun… Continue reading Halloween Corner: The Tell-Tale Heart
Returning to Ravnica: MtG’s Second Home
The day this article goes live is the official release date for Magic: the Gathering’s newest set: Guilds of Ravnica. The world of Ravnica is one of the most celebrated planes visited over the game’s 25-year run. With this being the third block set in the cityscape, I wanted to take a look at the… Continue reading Returning to Ravnica: MtG’s Second Home