The Geek Embassy Podcast, Podcast, Play, Role Playing Games

TGE Ep 29 – Plays: Pathfinder – Nictis Loath

Greetings and salutations, fellow adventurers!

Our last adventure saw our traveling band of heroes negotiate their way into the next part of the adventure. Trusting Hargath’s instinct that the ghost wardens, Byron and Celeste, were protecting something of great and dangerous power, we are invited beyond the veil. In this episode, many secrets will be revealed including the purpose and power behind the Void Scythe. Pivotal plot twists a’ho!

Join our characters as they make their way into this leg of their journey. The story deepens, the characters come together and the next leg of their journey becomes clear.

Watch the entire campaign, The Keeper of the Dead, on YouTube here! And subscribe so you don’t miss an episode!

Until next time, get your geek on!
Regina & Isabela & Dante & Mark & Evan

Listen and Watch

The Characters

Hargath (Mark)
Human Cleric
Alignment: Neutral Good

Hargath is a reformed murderer/thief. He became a member of Sarenrae’s order after a cleric from the order showed him mercy. At 36, he started his Cleric teachings older than most and his blond hair has begun to grey. Recently he had a falling out with the church he was based out of due to discovering the chief priest there embezzling gold for his own purposes. He now looks to find adventurers that he can travel within the hopes of finding a new church and helping anyone he can along the way. Whether that means healing people, bringing evil-doers to the light or smiting evil that won’t makes little difference to him.

Sevarka Sunseeker (Dante)
Gnome Sorceress
Alignment: Neutral Good

The cheerfully optimistic, orange skinned, green haired gnome called Sevarka Sunseeker describes herself as a professional nomad. Friend to all she comes across, her delightful facade hides a family secret. Generations ago, a dragon assumed gnomish form bedded one of the Sunseeker family progenitors. The eldest born daughter of each Sunseeker generation manifests aspects of the dragon and inherits its magical talents. Sevarka is the first-born daughter of her generation and wanders to discover the origins of her draconic blood and what that means for the legacy of the Sunseeker clan.

Neraden Runka (Regina)
Dwarf Barbarian
Alignment: Neutral Good

Neraaden (Nera like Vera for short) is the middle daughter of a large dwarf family. With 10 siblings, she feels underappreciated and overlooked by her family. She leaves her family with dreams of finding success on the road but encounters disaster almost as soon as she leaves. She persevered as she journeyed farther and farther from home, hoping one day she might return home a celebrated hero.

Freya Redsun (Isabela)
Half-Elf Ranger
Alignment: Neutral Good

Freya is a half-elf that is striking out on her own after clashing with her elfish mother one too many times. She wants to find out who she is without the influence of her family. Freya’s mother was born into a royal elvish family but gave up the luxuries of that life to be with the human man she came to love. Freya carries the weight of her mother’s sacrifice with heavy resentment.

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