Game on Girl Podcast, Podcast

Episode 148 – Game on Girl LIVE!

Hey Everyone!

For our podcast listeners, the new LIVE Hangout we did on Sunday June 14th is now available as a podcast. If you haven’t checked out the YouTube video, don’t miss it. We’ve got some great geeky items that we show off, including a preview of a D&D inspired board game.

Joining us this month are two new writers for the site, Micah Elliot and Sean Blystone. Look for intros and articles from them in the next few weeks.

I’ve included links to the books, TV shows, and movies we discussed during the hangout. We also did a tribute to Sir Christopher Lee. Your presence will be missed, sir, and your energy never replaced.

Our next hangout will be Sunday, July 12 at 2pm Pacific time! Come hang with us!

Until next time, game on!
Regina & Rhonda & Mark & Micah & Sean




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