This week, Rhonda and Regina talk about some recent news articles in geek culture. There is always something interesting… or annoying… or fascinating going on in geek culture so they take on a few of these topics this week. Check out the articles and our commentary on the show and let us know what you think.
GoldieBlox – Getting Girls into Engineering
Tabletop Crowd Funding
It only took 4 days for TableTop to raise the $500,000 for Season 3. And they have 31 days to go.
“Fargo” TV Series, FX
“The Green Girl”
Nintendo’s New Key to Creativity: More Women
Gendered Advertising Remixer
Our hosts also WRaP about their latest passions with what they are Watching, Reading, and Playing. Listen to hear Regina’s reaction to the first two seasons of Sherlock.
Until next time, game on!
Regina & Rhonda