At PAX East, the zombies are fresh and ripe. Check out our new episode to hear all about our PAX East adventures. We talked to some great people and went to some fabulous panels. If you were at PAX East, we’d love to hear about your experiences and if you weren’t, what are you sad you missed? Leave your comments here.
People we met and makers of the games we’re looking forward to:
The Married Gamers, Chris and Kel.
The Black Glove, Aaron from ManDateMondays
Megan Marie from Crystal Dynamics
Tom Eastman from Trinket Studios
Angela Puccini from Hackcessibility
James Portnow from Extra Credits
Josh Isom with Trendy Entertainment
James Silva from SKA Studios
Mike Gnade and Matt Cangialosi from Indie Game Stand
Tobias Drewry from Mesa Mundi Inc.
Leia Olson from BDA Inc.
Malcolm Spineldi with Geek Link Radio
We’re going to be giving away some swag from the con over the next few weeks. Make sure to follow us on Twitter and like our Facebook page for details!
Until next time, game on!
Regina & Rhonda