Check out this week’s episode of Game On Girl where we talk to Jerry about his experiences as a role player and a male gamer who plays female avatars. Jerry is an Anthropology student and a writer at P4. – Gain Experience. Jerry is a role player and an artist, all aspects of his offline life that impact how he approaches gaming.

Along with a great conversation about role play characters, we share some feedback from episode 9, Happily After End Game, and a fantastic Twitter conversation about sexualized female and male avatars that evolved out of our short episode on the contrasting female images that were seen at E3.
We’d love to hear your feedback about this episode and Jerry’s character creation process. Drop us a Tweet @game_on_girl or leave a comment here.
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Until next time, Game On!
Regina and Rhonda
Published by Regina McMenomy
Regina is a gamer, writer, teacher, and podcaster living in the Pacific Northwest. She completed her Ph.D. in 2011 from Washington State University in Vancouver and continues to teach there part time. Regina’s research interests focus on women and technology, and her dissertation discusses female gamers and identity in digital role playing games. A lifelong geek and technology enthusiast, Regina recently started a Girls Who Code club in support of their mission to close the gender gap in technology.
To continue the conversations about gender and gaming that Regina started during her research, she started a podcast called Game on Girl. Called the “NPR of game podcasts” by Chris Brown of The Married Gamers, the podcast features women involved in the game industry, and tackles some of the complicated issues in the gaming community. Season 2 began in the spring of 2018 and will premiere new episodes monthly.
View all posts by Regina McMenomy
The proposed show topic of girl on girl hate/how girls effect gaming for other girls sounds like a rich subject. I'll definitely be listening for that discussion!
Thanks for listening and taking the time to comment, carpswamp! It was certainly a surprise for me that it came out of a discussion about sexualized avatars but I am delighted that the issue arose. I think there is a lot to be said about it. It's an issue for gamer girls and girls in general, I think. We need to stop hating on each other and supporting each other more.
Hey, forgot to mention that I listened to this. XD Thanks again for the opportunity! I suppose I should submit Karah for your avatar project! 🙂
You absolutely should! I thought you would have been the first to submit. Hey you could even submit one of your drawings and one avatar of the same character. That would be really interesting!
Thanks, again, for being on the show. 🙂