In the fourth short episode of Game on Girl, we discuss our first impressions of Diablo III. We talk about game play, graphics, overall design and, of course, gender.
We discuss differences in female versus male avatars, in particular the differences in the starting outfits of the demon hunters and the wizards.
Diablo III – WizardsDiablo III – Demon Hunters
What do you think of the differences between these avatars? Let us know on Twitter at @game_on_girl or in the comments.
Don’t forget, Game on Girl is now on Stitcher so you can now stream our show to your mobile device.
Regina is a gamer, writer, teacher, and podcaster living in the Pacific Northwest. She completed her Ph.D. in 2011 from Washington State University in Vancouver and continues to teach there part time. Regina’s research interests focus on women and technology, and her dissertation discusses female gamers and identity in digital role playing games. A lifelong geek and technology enthusiast, Regina recently started a Girls Who Code club in support of their mission to close the gender gap in technology.
To continue the conversations about gender and gaming that Regina started during her research, she started a podcast called Game on Girl. Called the “NPR of game podcasts” by Chris Brown of The Married Gamers, the podcast features women involved in the game industry, and tackles some of the complicated issues in the gaming community. Season 2 began in the spring of 2018 and will premiere new episodes monthly.
View all posts by Regina McMenomy
4 thoughts on “GoG Short #4 – First Impressions: Diablo III”
Haven't listened to the podcast yet – hope to do that this weekend – but just wondering the age old question: how DOES that demon hunter female run in those boots??? /grin
I remember an episode of "The X-Files", "Hollywood A.D.", where a movie is being made about Mulder and Scully. Tea Leoni plays Scully in the Hollywood movie. They have a scene in the background where Scully is showing Leoni how she runs in those shoes. Hi. Larious.
I love that scene in X-Files! I laugh just thinking about it, mostly because it's just in the background and Tea Leoni isn't even paying attention to her. 🙂
And I'm glad that not ALL the female avatars are in stiletto boots. That alone is progress. One other observation I had that we talked around in the podcast was the similarity in the body types between the female and male avatars. I only noticed how close they were in height and body mass when I was putting the screen shots together.
Haven't listened to the podcast yet – hope to do that this weekend – but just wondering the age old question: how DOES that demon hunter female run in those boots??? /grin
I remember an episode of "The X-Files", "Hollywood A.D.", where a movie is being made about Mulder and Scully. Tea Leoni plays Scully in the Hollywood movie. They have a scene in the background where Scully is showing Leoni how she runs in those shoes. Hi. Larious.
If you have Netflix, the episode is streaming there: Season 7, Episode 19, "Hollywood A.D.". The scene starts at about 34:40.
I love that scene in X-Files! I laugh just thinking about it, mostly because it's just in the background and Tea Leoni isn't even paying attention to her. 🙂
And I'm glad that not ALL the female avatars are in stiletto boots. That alone is progress. One other observation I had that we talked around in the podcast was the similarity in the body types between the female and male avatars. I only noticed how close they were in height and body mass when I was putting the screen shots together.